Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Blog Spotlight: Roland Mechael

Hey Guys! Hope you have a happy thanksgiving! Here's a cool blog to visit over the thanksgiving break to feast your eyes on! Visit Roland Mechael's Blog, lots of wonderful stuff :)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Blog Spotlight: Cabana Digital

Hey guys! Check out the awesome art of Cabana Digital. My good friend Patricia from Cabana Digital drew me and the famous "Godo"...I think Godo is very cute! :) Check out her blog - lots of cool and very cute work! Thanks for the drawing of me and Godo, Patricia! I love it!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Blog Spotlight: Coloribus

Hey guys! Don't forget to check out Coloribus' Blog this weekend!
Lots of very cool stuff and great art work!
Sketch Series 3: When I was little...

If there's one thing I remember growing up - It's the weekly visits of the ice cream man around our neighborhood. We call it "Sorbetes" and we also call it "Dirty Ice Cream" - (I don't know why it's called Dirty Ice Cream). The taste and texture is somewhat similar to a Gelato. Here in the U.S., kids flock outside when they hear the state-of-the-art sounds of the ice cream truck. Back home, the sounds of the ringing hand bell and the squeaky, colorful, two-wheeled wooden cart always made us scramble and search for loose change. Hey, the loose change always bought me two scoops of ice cream :)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Sketch Series 2: When I was little...

We had a dog named Tiger. Tiger wasn't really much of a cuddly pet, he was always in his doggy house and always had his leash around him because of his wild and aggressive nature. Tiger didn't really like me much and I think I was about 8 years old and I learned "the most valuable lesson" that year – Never to pet or touch a dog's head while they are eating! Tiger bit me and I still have scars, 4 of his teeth marks on my hand. I had 16 stitches that day and my brother came to my rescue and jumped on Tiger and saved me. I'll never forget it.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Sketch Series: When I was little...

When I was little, I used to play a lot in the rain. Back in Manila, those rainy months were at times crazy because of floods and traffic, but we always found ways to enjoy it. Streets and pavements were uneven, creating lots of puddles where I could make a small paper boat and sail away. Kids around the neighborhood often played with me in my paper boat sail - those were lovely times.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
Blog Spotlight: Binoland

Hey guys! Check out Bino's Sketches this weekend!
Lots of great stuff and very cool artwork!