Sunday, November 05, 2006
About Me
- Name: Michelle Lana
- Location: Washington, DC, United States
I am an illustrator living in Wash. D.C. My No. 1 critic and source of inspiration is my 7 year old nephew, Kevin. He lives in Norway. All work copyright 2009 Michelle Lana
Illustrator Group Soup
Inspiring Art Blogs
- Adrian Ropp
- Alina Chau
- Anette Heiberg
- Angela Matteson
- Bearuh
- Bino
- Blanca
- Cabana Digital
- Chabada
- Chickengirl Design
- Claudine Hellmuth
- Coloribus
- EMILA Yusof
- Francesca Francy's World
- Fox In Socks
- Ginger Pixels
- Hardwax
- JC
- Jim Bradshaw
- Juanje Sánchez
- Jun Lana
- Kathleen Rietz
- Kathy Weller
- Kitty Loco
- LU
- Mattias Adolfsson
- Michelle Anne Dybing
- Mija
- Mike R Baker
- MrsB
- Nadja Andrasev
- Nata Ludica
- Paula Becker
- Paint Monster
- Paper Koala
- Pickledog
- Potatomamma
- Sherry Rogers
- Scribblesk
- Soo
- So Cat Tacos?
- St. Lewis
- Sweet Pea
- Swahnen
- The Gross Uncle
- Thierry Bedouet
- TwoFish
- ValGalArt
- Venpi
- VERN Mercado

Great work! I see we both had the idea of smoking ears. Love it!
Wow, this is fabulous, really funny. Good job.
Hahahah! He must be crazy; eating a this spicy soup with a huge chili! I am sure he was lookig for troubles!
halariously funny
You are incredible. Great idea and great work as always. My mom is Norwegian, she say Hi to Kevin. My mother was born north of the Arctic Cirlce. Where does Kevin live?
haha! I love this because I'm sure everyone has had a moment when they felt like this
nice details on the hot sauce jar
Wonderful illustration, Michelle! Looks painful!
VERY funny solution! Makes me wanna go vector for next week's IF. Nice and clean.
VERY funny solution! Makes me wanna go vector for next week's IF. Nice and clean.
This is the greatest!!!
So cute!
You have a great style, and I can see children really responding to it. As well as adults. It's great that you keep the same style through so many topics.
Love the expression in your illustration!
Hilarious! And thanks for visiting my blahg.
lol he looks like my husband this very afternoon... very funny and cute at a time, Michelle :)
Hi Michelle! :) this character is very funny, love you technique so much!
LOL... love it!
great expression, make me feel bad for him... and reminds me of one ocassion I went to a Mexican restaurant...
Very funny, and the colors are great!
Good take on the 'smoke' topic! Thanks for stopping by!
Really, really excellent!
oh he's so funny!
So funny!!!! This baby will have hot diapers later on :O
I like that! :-)
hehehe super neat!
and I love your style very much.
thank you for your drop on my blog!
You've made me smile again michelle! :D This one is really funny and ooooo it must be really hot! Actually, this piece reminded me of my first taste of 'wasabi' many years ago. I thought it was just a flavoring paste or something and whoa!!!! Ha! ha! Really enjoyed your illustrations :)
It is an illustration really very funny ! You have this talent always to find the idea which will give us the smile ! That's a great talent ;o)
whoo hot! smoking! it is great!
Another great take! Excellent work!
Thanks for the messages everyone!
Great idea, I like the ilu too.
Only one more thing: that was not a rabbit, that’s a cat!!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog. It’s nice to do new friends.
You certainly have a way of capturing the story in your images...This is great...watering eyes, steam from the ears! Love it!
How fun! I love the expression!
I feel his pain...that's how I feel when I eat mildly spicy stuff! Very funny!!
HE ! HE!! We seem to share the same food accident!! LOL
Ha! Michelle, this is great! A terrific take on the subject too.
the steam says "hot" but the eyes say "regret"
Great take for the topic. His expression is really hilarious!
This illo is very funny! I loved it! Thanks for visit my blog!
Very fun! Great idea.
this guy is great!!
hah your smoke are so funny! love it! thanks for stopping by my blog, i haven't got the time to posts anything to IF this couple of weeks because of family matters.
hope next week i can get back to IF, i really miss being participated in IF! T_T
hahaha, hilarious, love it!
i love spicy food, but he dare even more!
michelle… wonderful illustration… i know how he feels… i tend to look much like you poor fellow quite a bit only not so distressed and muchy sweatier…
This is great - lot's of fun. I love what you did for the Black & Orange contest too.
Thanks for the messages everyone..really appreciate it! :)
Great scene Michelle! That is some crazy spicy hotness. The smoke coming out of his ears is great, and the colour is perfectly picante. Great fun
har har har!! I love it!
ha ha! very cool!
You made me feel so cruel! I was joking, my new friend. Please, don’t stop visiting me because of this (but don not ever do this again, humpf!:).
Ah, you are linked!
Oh, it’s my pleasure!
You mean you did not see all my illus? Hey, you did again, humpf!
He makes me giggle!!! Great work, Michelle! I love your take on all the IF themes!
Dang, Michelle. You're popular.
I understand the dilemma of the subject: mountains must be climbed, oceans must be crossed, chili pepper soup must be eaten.
You really nailed that moment. Great!
Hi Michelle, your work as always is amazing and funny. Thanks for all your nice comments, you dont know how much i enjoy having IF in my mind and specially you: always making me feel welcome. :)
nice idea and great execution, love it. and thank you for visiting ^ ^
Ha! Wonderful.
Habonero does the same thing to me.
Awesome work michelle! I love his expression.
Nice work!
excellent, it remember me when i eat a big chili con carne ;) hi hi hi, great illo. Regards
agradecimentos r. Barboza...
talvez necessidade dicionário para mim :)
Hee hee hee, that's great!
Truly smokin'! Great comical image!
Girl! You went and did it this time! What a shade of red!
Ha! Love it, what a great idea. Great expresion and color. I can hear the horns going off in the back ground!
Great interpretation of the topic. I love spicy stuff but not this spicy. You have a great style. I love your sketches about when you were little. Great idea.
hey michelle. thanks for the comment! i love your style and characters. wow you have like 71 comments now
ouch! great one! love the eyes hahah
That's funny. We were on the same page this week. I think my guy is handling the situation a little better.
Ha, ha great, your work is always so fun!
well, after 74 comments I don't know if you are keeping track anymore! BUT...great illo like always. very humorous!
Hahaha, Great!
So funny. Its so straight to be point and reads very well. Nice!
A Sunday School teacher began her lesson with a question. "Boys and girls, what do we know about God?"
A hand shot up in the air. "He is an artist!" said the kindergarten boy.
"Really?! How do you know?" the teacher asked.
"You know - 'Our Father, who does art in Heaven. . ."
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