Sketch Series: When I was little...

When I was little, I used to play a lot in the rain. Back in Manila, those rainy months were at times crazy because of floods and traffic, but we always found ways to enjoy it. Streets and pavements were uneven, creating lots of puddles where I could make a small paper boat and sail away. Kids around the neighborhood often played with me in my paper boat sail - those were lovely times.
I really like your latest posts! Such a cute style to all your illustrations. I could totally see them animated.
I totally can relate to the paper boat story. My dad made me a match box boat one time when we went fishing. Good-times!
Very nice story Michelle and Gerald!
I love your illustration style! I've got you bookmarked, so keep posting more fantastic work to inspire us. ;)
p.s. I was born in Quezon City and lived in Manila as well, so I definitely know what you mean about those rainy days. Lol.
this is a really cool post. i really like your sketch. i'll have to keep coming back to check in on this because your style is really neat.
That's really cute and a nice sketch. I love seeing sketches people make, somethimes more than finished art, because it is more personal.
Even your sketches are beautifully rendered! This one is a piece of art as is.
This made me remember taking a shower under the warm rain water as it poured off the roof of a house I stayed at in the Philippines -- many, many years ago.
I enjoy your work.
I really like your sketches... so loose and seemingly spontaneous.
visiting from roz's site; enjoyed looking at these initial sketches and taking a peek into your artistic process
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